9 - 10 May 2024, 09.00 - 17.00 HRS. KICE, KHON KAEN, THAILAND
Regional Tradeshow for Scientific & Laboratory Equipment and Technologies in the Northeast & GMS*
(GMS = Greater Mekong Sub-region: Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam)
Unlock the Potentials of Northeast - Untie New Investment Opportunities of Thailand & GMS
1. Reach Potential Buyers & Market Place
- 22 million populations from 20 Northeastern provinces and 326 million people from 6 Countries GMS
2 Access into Promising Investment Region
- Several industrial estates established, large infrastructure projects invested and investment promotions in place
- Regional growth and transportations by high-speed trains, dual track railways, light rail transit, dry port development, international airports, and etc.
3. Prospect future of GMS Medical Hub
- Quality development of numerous hospitals center, district health promotion hospitals, medical science centers, etc.
- Continued investment to improve facilities by many leading hospitals for quality standard services within GMS
- Growing tendency of medical and healthcare services access and healthcare sciences research
- New prototyping national medicopolis projects towards new medical innovation areas in the provinces
4. Engage in the regional R&D Hub of Biotechnology for Agriculture, Livestock, Health, Food and Industries
- Number of corporate R&D centers and innovation centers being built
- Establishing bio industrial zones and Bio-Circular-Green economic model within the region
- Stronger demand of advanced scientific and laboratory technologies in various sectors
5. Pursue progressing demands of Sciences & Research Business and Network
- Advancing requirement of specialist knowledge, and laboratory technology in Drug Discovery, Research & Development, Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Test & Measurement, Analysis & Validation etc.
- Fostering cooperation among GMS for technology transfer and adoption, encouraging international expertise inflows and networks exchanges
6. New opportunity in the New Market under one roof
- Launching new technologies, products and services
- Networking to the new buyers, distributors, decision makers and users
LAB FUTURE 2024: Exhibition – Conference – Partnering
Exhibiting SQM. 3,500+
Trade Participants 4,000+
Exhibitors 80+
Speakers 45+
Conference Sessions 30+
Original Target Buyers Thailand incl. Northeast, GMS, ASEAN & BIMSTEC
Feature Biotechnology, Promote Knowledge, Community & Investment Opportunities
BIO Expo: Dedicated Side Event for Biotechnology Implication & Investment
Meet Exhibitors & Expert /Technology & Innovation / Products & Services
- Agriculture & Livestock
- Energy, Chemical & Materials
- Food & Feed
- Medical & Health
- Digitals & Communications
- Industries & Commerce
Match the latest Bio Focus Topics
- Smart Agriculture & Development
- Alternative Energy
- Food for Future
- Personalized & Precision Medicines
- Natural Cosmetics & Pharma, Bio-Active Ingredient
- Material Analysis & Processing
- Bio Analysis & Bio Informatics
- Life Sciences, Biotechnology & Nanotechnology
- Environmental Research & Analysis
- Medical Research & Services etc.
Make the meeting with Bio Business Leader & Professionals
- Investor, Venture Capitalists, Startups,
- Exporter, Distributer, Traders, Buyers, User
- Scientist, Specialists, Researchers, Developers, Experts, Regulators
Extensive Support Programs: Specially Design to New Ideas, Novelties & Network
- Conference & Seminar
- Technology Presentation
- Business Matching
- Pitching & Partnering
- Showcase
- Site Inspection etc.
- Science & Technology Trade Association
- Thai Society of Biotechnology
- Federation of Asian Veterinary Association
- Board of Investment
- Mekong Institute
- Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences
- The Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council (NXPO)
- Chamber of Commerce, Khon Kaen & Northeast
- Khon Kaen University
- Research Instrument Center, Khon Kaen University
- Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Khon Kaen University
- Mahasarakham University
- Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahasarakham University
- Research and Development Institute (RDI), Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
- Faculty of Science Udon Thani Rajabhat University
- Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, RMUTI
- Khon Kaen Innovation Center
- Glowfish & Kaen Saan
- Associations, Universities, Media etc.